Community Microgrids

Synergent's Smart Energy Solution for Communities is based upon a Smart Microgrid Model that extends the Residential Hybrid System as clusters within communties. These clusters provide independent generation points that are connected in a network to distribute clean energy within a community.

A Smart Community Microgrid (Wind+Solar+Storage) uses free energy from the Sun and the Wind to provide primary power throughout the community over a shared network of low-voltage distribution. Each distribution point can provide power for a cluster of homes or a neighborhood, and is connected to shared storage that can be used wherever it's needed within the community.

Community Microgrids can become a valuable asset for communties and provide clean electricity that supports local economic growth and development. Microgrids can include wireless metering of energy use for local billing as part of a Community Energy Cooperative, in which residents both produce and consume energy services together.

Communities can start with a small system (30kW to 100kW) and measure how much energy they generate and use during each daily cycle. Adding more capacity is simple and easy, and allows communities to grow their Microgrid at the rate of community support and participation. In the future, these Microgrids can then connect to the National Grid and become part of a larger Smart Grid that balances centralised and decentralised energy resources.


Microgrid Overview:

30kW to 100kW Clusters
Shared Local Storage
Low-Voltage Distribution
Smart Metering & Billing
Flexible and Scalable


Synergent's Microgrid Model utilizes Lucid Design's Smart Power Portal to visualize energy use within the community